Easter Tour Fielding

Awarded to the player/players who have taken the most catches during the Easter Tour. The Easter Cup was first presented to Patrick Bleech in 1991-92. To be awarded this trophy the player must have taken the most number of catches, if two or more players are equal they are co-awarded with the Easter Cup

Easter Cup

1968-69 I Laird
1969-70 Brian Papps
1970-71 Antony Cartwright
1971-72 Robert Mason
1974-75 Bruce Anderson
1975-76 Robert W. Pile 4 catches
1976-77 Ken McNally 7 catches
1977-78 Robert Bowman 4 catches
1978-79 Russell Payne
1979-80 Robert Bowman
1980-81 Robert Bowman
1980-81 Lindsay Robertson
1981-82 Ivan Johnston
1982-83 John Lambert
1982-83 Russell Payne
1983-84 Graham Barton
1984-85 Guy Veitch
1985-86 Gary Tempero
1986-87 Graham Pope
1987-88 Maurice Hunt
1989-90 Nigel Cartwright
1990-91 David Reid
1991-92 Patrick Bleach
1992-93 Craig Bain
1993-94 John Crombie
1995-96 Patrick Bleach
1997-98 Glynn Cameron 1 catch
1998-99 Peter Cameron 2 catches
1999-00 Robert Coates
2000-01 Robert Coates 3 catches
2001-02 Scott Cameron 1 catch
2001-02 Robert Coates
2001-02 John Crombie
2001-02 Antony Cromwell
2003-04 Robert Coates
2003-04 Raffery Fox
2003-04 Anthony Frew
2003-04 Paul Johnston
2003-04 Jeremiah Shields
2005-06 Andrew McCulloch 3 catches
2006-07 Antony Cromwell 1 catch each
2006-07 Nathan Mitchell
2006-07 Thomas Shields
2007-08 Nathan Mitchell 3 catches
2008-09 Jason Hayman 2 catches
2009-10 Chris Ware 2 catches
2010-11 Sean Conlan 2 catches
2011-12 Todd Sidon
2012-13 Daniel Martin 2 catches
2013-14 Nicky Johnson 2 catches
2014-15 Nicky Johnson 3 catches
2017-18 Glen Paterson 3 catches
2018-19 Reuben Pratley 2 catches
2020-21 Stephan Grobler 2 catches
2021-22 Brad Fleming 2 catches
2022-23 Daniel Martin
2023-24 Blake James 2 catches