One of the most, if not the most, sought after honours at the Union Cricket Club is to be capped upon playing their 100th Senior game. Many of the current senior team who have yet to obtain this honour have been heard to say that one of their main goals is to play 100 games and be 'capped'.
With the development of playing uniforms in the 1800's most teams adopted white playing uniforms. This caused confusion with teams playing in the same colours so they used different coloured caps to identify different team members. In cricket both teams playing in white wasn't a problem with this most teams continuing in present day to play in white. As soccer developed the caps where removed form the playing field as players started to use the 'heading' style on the pitch. It was in the 1890's when the president of the English FA suggested 'capping' international players, as a reward for playing for their country. The suggestion was a popular one with many sports adopting his idea including cricket.
When Union Cricket Club member Scott Cameron researched and obtained information on the clubs senior statistics back to 1949-50, there was a move within the club to use the statistics to reward those who had played 100 senior games for the club. With sports capping tradition in mind the club obtained special caps in the club colours of blue with white piping and tassel, and the club monogram on the front panel. To make the caps unique to that particular player on the panel to the left of the monogram is a number indicating the order in which in the recipients played their 100 games. It also decided that players would be further honoured with an honours board at Union's clubrooms at King George Park displaying the names of all players to reach this feat along with the number of senior games upon retirement.
When the caps where first presented, un-numbered caps where presented to Edward 'Ted' Tempero in recognition of his 96 senior games and his continued work within the club and one to Scott Cameron who researched and collated the match data which has enabled these statistics to become available.
Since the first presentation of the caps, Scott has expanded the statistics right back to the clubs first season in 1909. But because of the nature of the first presentation of the caps, the criteria for the statistics upon which the number of games are based for this honour are only based on games post 1948-1949. However prior to 1949 two players played more than 100 matches, James Robertson (108 matches) who played senior cricket from 1910 to 1937 and life member Jack Maddigan (193 matches) who played senior cricket from 1922-23 to 1958-59.